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Information for Employers - Government Funded Apprenticeships
Apprenticeships help you to grow your own talent, reduce staff turnover and give your business the skills it needs to succeed in the future.
Incentive payments of £1,000 for taking on an apprentice who is:
• aged 16 to 18 years old, or
under 25 and has an education, health and care plan or has been in the care of the
local authority
If you have any queries on how Apprenticeship training is funded since Jan. 2020, please email Pauline: paulineb@shearsacademy.co.uk or call Sue on 020 8461 3504 for advice on how to register your salon for an Employer Apprenticeship Service Account
to reserve your salon’s apprenticeship funding now – but be quick – we don’t know how long the incentive payments will last!
Call us now for full details, or simply make a coffee and read on …we have tried to answer all the questions you may have, and if you have one that we haven’t covered, simply get in touch with us, and if we don’t know the answer, we know how to find out! Our contact details are below.
What are Apprenticeships? An apprenticeship is a training programme to gain real practical experience, as well as the technical and functional knowledge required to carry out the job. On completion the apprentice must be able to undertake the full range of duties in the range of circumstances appropriate to their role, confidently and competently to the standard set by the industry, and pass an End Point Assessment.
What are the benefits for business? Apprenticeships are designed by industry experts to ensure candidates receive relevant practical and knowledge training that is focused on making your new or existing employees as competent as possible within their role in a relatively short amount of time. There are also financial incentives for employers who take on 16-18 year old apprentices.
Is there a cost involved? Apprentices need to have a contract of employment and have the same rights as any other employees and must be paid the Apprentice N.M.W. The cost for the Apprenticeship training varies, a hairdressing apprenticeship is currently valued at £7000.00, however, the government fully funds the cost of training a 16-18 year old apprentice, and fund 95% of any apprentices aged 19 or over.
How much do I need to pay my Apprentice? The Apprentice National Minimum Wage is currently £4.81 per hour from April 2022 for 16 to 18 year-olds and those aged 19 and over in the first year of their apprenticeship. Apprentices aged 19 or over after the first year of their programme must be paid at N.M.W. for their age.
What are the responsibilities of employing an Apprentice? Apprentices must be issued with a contract of employment for a minimum of 30 hours per week (including the hours they attend the Academy, 1 day per week) and be covered by a valid Employers Liability insurance. Apprenticeship agreements including a commitment statement must be signed by employers, apprentices and parent/carer if they are under 18. Apprentices will need to have a safe and supportive working and learning environment in their new role, which includes undertaking theory, taking on-line tests, and work towards maths and English functional skills at Level 1 or 2 where required. Apprentices must be given enough time and relevant responsibilities to enable them to gain the skills required to complete their 20% off the job training to develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours required to enter the Gateway and pass the End Point Assessment to gain achievement by the agreed expected end date.
Can an existing employee undertake an apprenticeship? Yes, Apprenticeships are a great way to reward existing staff members who would benefit from a structured training programme, and the recognition that achievement and certification brings.
How long do apprenticeships last? Most hairdressing candidates complete a hairdressing apprenticeship between 16 and 21 months, but can differ, dependant on the apprentice's needs, prior learning and existing skills and qualifications.
Progression: Apprentices who complete and achieve their Hair Professional Apprenticeship L2 (Hairdressing or Barbering) can progress their training by enrolling in the Advanced and creative Hair Professional at L3 for a further 12 - 15 months and then go on to achieve teaching qualification.
How much time will my apprentice spend at college? Usually one day a week at our Academy. This makes up most of their 20% off the job training requirement. In addition to structured hairdressing theory teaching and learning, we deliver functional skills English and maths at level 1 and 2, Employment Rights and Responsibilities, Safeguarding & Prevent, Health & Safety, Behaviours and Values, Ways of Working and of course, Practical training. The rest of the time would be spent in the employer’s workplace.
Is there a maximum number of apprentices I can employ? No, you can employ as many as you need.
How can I find the right candidate? You can register with the Employer Apprenticeship Service Account and advertise your position for free, contact us for more details.
We also provide a Recruitment Interview/Initial Assessment service which you can promote within your own salon if you wish, simply request a poster from us. Your vacancy will be advertised on various recruitment sites, including the Find Apprenticeship Training and our own website, free of charge. We answer all applicants’ questions, providing the information, advice and guidance they will require. We will then sign-post suitable applicants to attend your salon for interview at a mutually agreed day and time to suit you.
Contact us: If you are an employer interested in taking on an apprentice, please contact Sue on 020 8461 3504 or email Pauline at: paulineb@shearsacademy.co.uk we look forward to working with you soon!