Shears News

Latest News

Mon. 27th July A VERY BIG THANKS to ...

our Apprentices,  and of course our clients who are coming back into the Shears Academy training salon for their services!

You are all being truly amazing, understanding the need for skin tests prior to colour during this post-covid lockdown period, and happily following all the hygiene and social distancing rules to keep us all safe - "Thank you All!" from the Shears Academy Team  


Hello all our lovely clients! We are delighted to announce that we are now taking bookings for Cuts from next week!

Call us on 020 8461 3504. If you require a follow-up colour appointment, please ask your stylist for a skin test whilst you are with us.

We promise that our salon is Covid-Secure, which means we have restricted number of clients at any one time and social distancing measures in place, so do please bear with us as you may have a further wait  before you can visit. Please wear your personal mask when attending the salon as disposable masks will be available, but we are eco-aware and aim to keep single-use waste to a minimum, thank you. 

As it is not safe to serve refreshments, please bring your drink in a lidded container and take it home again.

As it is not safe to share magazines, please feel welcome to bring your own and take it home with you.

As we can't safely offer a reception area, please arrive on time, thank you.  

For safety purposes we wish to restrict cash handling and would appreciate it if you could pre-pay for your service by bank transfer. Our bank details are:

Barclays Bank PLC. Account Name: Shears Academy Ltd.  Sort code:  20-06-72 Account No: 03153452

With thanks and love,

the Shears Academy Team  



Hello to our lovely clients and models!

We are not yet in a position to open the Shears Academy appointment book yet, as although most salons have now reopened, many need their Apprentices at their own salons for the first week or two.

We will therefore begin taking your bookings just as soon as we know we have enough apprentices to meet demand as we do not wish to disappoint anyone of you.

Keep safe and well, we can't wait to welcome you back shortly!

With warmest wishes

The Shears Academy Team 




EMPLOYER UPDATE: Mon. 6th July 2020 - Back in the Game!


Huge congrats to all salons who re-opened their doors to clients on Friday or at the weekend!!

We know some of you need your apprentices in the salons full time for the first week or so, so do in get in touch with Tracey from Monday - Wednesdays if you wish to discuss. Meanwhile we are very happy to welcome the priority groups back to the Academy this week. We are pleased to advise we are Covid-19 Secure, with all PPE, social distancing and hygine processes in place.                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Please do not hesitate to email Pauline: if you wish to discuss any aspect of  apprenticeship employment or training requirements. 

Best wishes, The Shears Academy Team

29th May 2020 - Important Update for Employers and Apprentices

Hello Employers and Apprentices  

We sincerely hope you are all keeping safe and well.

The Shears Academy Team are preparing plans for returning to the Academy as soon as the government confirm it is safe to do so.

In line with the first salons opening on Saturday July 4th, we plan to re-open to Apprentices week commencing Monday 6th July with full Social Distance Secure measures in place to ensure the highest levels of safety for our team and apprentices. WE WILL NOT BE BOOKING IN MODEL CLIENTS AT THIS TIME, but Group A and C apprentices will be working on Training Heads and Group A and C on completeing all paper-based work, and theory.

The government is encouroughing everyone to avoid using public transport if at all possible. Therefore we have gathered information from Apprentices to enable us to Risk Assess their prospective journeys whilst attending Shears Academy. 

Priority will be given to those apprentices that are due to take EPA in June and August, and also those apprentices that have found difficulty in participating in online learning delivery. 

Employers: We will be contacting  you over the next week to discuss your apprentice's return to face to face training with us., meanwhile if you have any queries at this particular time, please email us on and we will get back to you

Warmest regards, the Shears Academy Team.